Sunday, 8 November 2015

DIY Room Ideas - Plant Wall Decoration

Hey there guys, so today's post is going to be the start of a segment I want to do, called DIY Room Ideas. I've just moved into a new room and have had many brainstorms to get the room looking cute and tumblr! The first of these ideas is plant wall decorations. All you will need for this is from IKEA. IKEA is great for cheap ways to use all the space in your room. This idea is not my own, I actually saw it in one of the IKEA Nottingham show rooms.

You will need:
It doesn't matter what type of plants or flowers you use. I used two flower arrangements then two IKEA potted plants. All of these were artificial and under the £5 price range. It is better to get artificial plants, so they never die and do not need replacing every week. IKEA's artificial plants look almost real.but if you prefer the look of real plants, they are also available from IKEA. 
Make sure you add the hooks onto the rail before screwing the rail onto the wall. Once the rail is secure, you cannot add anymore hooks, so make sure you add the right amount. Add the bucket's to the hooks and place your plants inside. I left the plants inside their pots, as the pots are not visible over the top of the bucket anyway, and it keeps the plant secure.
There you have it! That's your easy, quick and cheap way to create a cute wall decoration. You can of course add more rails and plants, or just buy one rail and two plants. I'd say the maximum amount of plants per rail is definitely two.Trying to fit a third bucket and plant on would be a struggle and look untidy. You could fill a whole wall with this kind of decoration as it adds a bit of colour and warmth to the room, especially in summer! The rails and buckets can also be used for other things; you could put make up brushes or pens into the buckets and use them as storage. The buckets and rails are actually found in the kitchen section of IKEA, so are suggested to be used to store cutlery or food!

I hope this segment is interesting, personally I love looking at how other people have decorated their rooms!

IKEA Plant - £3

Flower Arrangement!

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