Sunday, 29 January 2017

Hopes for the near future

So 2017 is well under way now! I can't believe it's the end of January already. I want to discuss some hopes and wishes for the new future - I don't really do new year resolution, as I find them difficult to keep; the idea of forcing myself to do something massive makes me want to stop trying immediately. So I like to do little things I want for the upcoming months;

1. Have an amazing 17th birthday
2. Save up £500 by the end of the year to invest into something
3. Have at least £200 saved up by my birthday (6th March) to buy driving lessons...I'm half way there guys!
4. Get all C's and above in my next set of mock exams
5. Get a B in history AS, as that's the one I'm dropping at the end of this academic year
6. Keep up with my scrapbooking...that's a post I would like to make soon, a sort of evolution of the scrapbook I have been keeping, full of memories and photos since October 2016.
7. Buy a new pair of shoes! I hardly ever buy shoes, preferring to buy makeup or countless jumpers that I really don't need.
8. Re watch every episode of Pretty Little Liars (for the 7th time) before the new episode airs in April
9. Drink hot chocolate more, because it's the only hot drink I like and makes me feel calm and cosy
10. Go to the cinema more often, because I love it but don't go enough!

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