Monday, 4 April 2016

Music Monday // AG is back

Continuing my segment of Music Monday's, where I tell you guys what I've been loving in terms of music recently, today's post it about my all time fave, Ariana Grande and her incredible new album.
So AG recently released two songs of her new album as singles. The album was going to be called Midnight, but she changed the name to Dangerous Woman. In an interview I watched, Ari said she felt the new title represented her more and what she stood for. You can guess instantly from the album title that Ari is all about woman power. In fact one of my favourite interviews she has done, she shows just how much she cares about equality. I LOVE that her new album is all about what she stands for and I can't think of a better issue her music should help solve.

This is the interview I just mentioned:

The first song she released is called Dangerous Woman and clearly the main influence for the whole album title. First off, I love everything about the album cover:
She looks stunning and her make up is to die for. I lover the whole black and white and old fashioned vibe that accompanies the album cover, plus she is absolutely rocking the bunny ears (though I'm not sure how they are relevant!)
The song is true feminist anthem, upbeat, snazzy and just plain modern. I adore this song and her vocals are absolutely incredible. Below I'm going to leave the music video (known as visual 1) which she literally released in the UK yesterday! It is a good music video, but I personally prefer the video that accompanies her A Capella version of 'Dangerous Woman.' Check both out (shown below) as they are freaking insane.

 A Capella version

 Visual one (music video version)

The second song Ari has released is called 'Be Alright'. Though I prefer Dangerous Woman, I think the beat to this song, like the background music, is the best beat I have heard on such a pop song. Fast paced and light hearted, this song just holds the message that no matter what, everything will be alright in the end.  This kinda reminds me of Ari's older music and I am totally okay with that!

 Be Alright Audio Version

 Be Alright performed live on SNL

Overall I am loving Ari's new singles and I can't wait to here the whole album! She will always remain one of my favourites and her live vocals are freaking insane :)

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