Tuesday, 5 April 2016


LUSH; aka the nicest smelling shop on the planet! I recently went to LUSH and though I'm not the biggest fan of baths thought I'd pick up a few items for those rare times I do have a bath. In fact, it's probably a good thing I don't like baths that much, otherwise this haul would be much bigger! :/
If you don't know what LUSH is, it's basically a bath bomb and all things baths/showers/cleanliness shop. They even sell make up, though I'm not too sure on the quality of the make up, due to the price of the make up I've never picked anything up from LUSH's make up section. The basic message behind LUSH is being against animal cruelty; all their products, everything they sell in their shops and online is animal cruelty free, meaning it was not tested on animals. This is a big bonus with LUSH, plus the reasonable (mostly reasonable) prices of their products.

The first item I picked up is one I've seen in past years, but never tried. It's the Unicorn Horn. The Unicorn Horn is a bubble bar, so you melt part of it under running water, by crumbling it in your hand. I will make this point now: I am incredibly crap at describing smells, so if you follow the links to the LUSH website product descriptions I've added, they describe the smells for you and do a much better job than I could! I have not used this yet, but bubble bars are designed to make your skin soft, and the ones I have used in the past do just that. From what I have heard this bubble bar turns your bath a gorgeous deep pink shade

The aftermath of this bubble bar was very sparkly! 
The second thing I picked up was the Ladybird Bubble bar, which was part of the mother's day collection and no longer available in store! I prefer the gorgeous glittery-ness of the unicorn horn, but this bar is so cute! Shaped like a little ladybird, purple and red, this bubble bar is described to give your bath an orange/red colour. The bar contains peppermint and geranium, but it's overall smell is a mixture of peppermint and something sweet. It's a very typical, Snow Fairy sort of LUSH smell. It also smells slightly floral! (See i told you my smell skills weren't great, but the website doesn't stock/show this product anymore so I've had to fend for myself!). When it was in store, it cost £3.95.

The third and final product I picked up was the Melting Marshmallow Bath Oil. This is so diddy and cute and only cost me £2! It smells (obviously) like marshmallow mixed with candy floss and is very sweet. The bath oils are designed to give you a relaxing bath and sooth your skin to make it soft. Just pop it into the bath and relax, watching it melt. The bright colours make it eye catching and I can't wait to try this!

Hope you enjoyed that little LUSH haul!

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