Monday, 11 April 2016

Pretty Little Liars Quotes

One of my all time favourite tv shows and the love of my life for a good year or two now is the American tv show Pretty Little Liars. And today I'm going to be telling you why PLL is the perfect show to take quotes from.

1. For inspirational quotes
PLL has many inspirational characters and is full of inspirational quotes to suit it's target audience; after all, every teen loves a good inspirational quote.

2. Then there's those quotes that nobody really understands, but everyone LOVES. You know the ones I mean. The person that comes out with the most of these quotes from PLL is definitely Spencer. Closely followed by Ali...but then nothing she says makes sense

This is one of my favourite Spencer quotes and one that everyone loves and uses in any context, because NOBODY, I mean NOBODY knows what its means. But we lav it!

Well not to the point where I put on a dark wig and adopt a name from a book Ali
Like seriously, what are you chatting Ali?
3. And those quotes that you always see on Twitter and Facebook and in people's Instagram bios. I SWEAR TO GOD HALF THESE QUOTES WERE ORIGINALLY FROM THIS TV SHOW AND JUST STOLEN.

4. The funniest quotes alive; aka anything Hanna Marin says or does. Spencer quite often cracks me up to so creds to her for being the clever and slightly funny one.

Oh han

5. And finally, fashion advice quotes... also from Hanna Marin

 And finally we will finish with quite possible my favourite PLL quote of all time. It sums up the show and life pretty good.

Let me know if you enjoyed this type of post, because I really enjoyed writing it. It reminded me of all the quotes I really use to love and brought back some funny memories that revolve around the show and it's incredibly aesthetic quotes. 

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