Monday, 15 December 2014

Q&A // Get to know me

Q&A //

So today's blog post is going to be a quick Q&A. I love getting to know new people and think Q&A's are the perfect way to get to know someone :)

Q1:Why is my name spelt differently?My name is pronounced like Neve, but spelt N-I-A-M-H. My dad is Irish, so I'm half Irish. Niamh is the Irish spelling and comes from the Irish story of Niamh the Princess.

Q2:What do you want to do with your life?Ever since I was around 5, I loved reading. I've always wanted to be an author and write fiction books for kids or teens. I was always ahead in English and had a high reading age since I was 7. Writing is my passion, but I also love acting.

Q3:What's your favourite subject at school?I really love drama at my college. I didn't have the opputunity to do drama at high school and love it at college. My teacher is incredible, funny and so laid back for a teacher. I also love my drama group. we're a small group and all very close.

Q4:Favourite app?I love Instagram. I love sharing photos with people and documenting what I've been up to, so Instagram is the perfect place :)

Q5:What are your three favourite hobbies?I love taking photos. I have a busy life and a bad memory. I love taking photos, as they document all the fun things I've done, especially over the holidays, when I do more, because I'm not at school. My second favourite hobby is watching YouTube or films. I'm a big movie fan and love watching them to pass an hour or two. I like all the typical YouTubers, like Zoella, PointlessBlog, PlanetGabby, ThatcherJoe. And my final hobby is some sort of art. I love drawing most of all and always grab a pencil and some paper when I'm bored.

Q6:What is your favorite TV series?Pretty Little Liars for sure. The show is incredible, full of talented people and I'm absolutely in love with it! The story line is fast paced, action packed and very mysterious. The show has me on edge all the time! I also love watching Suits and when its on each year I adore I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here.

Q7:Who is your role model?I have so many people that I look up to. Keegan Allen from PLL inspires me through photography. Amanda Seyfried is one of my favorite actress', as is Meryl Streep. My music inspiration is Ed Sheeran. I love Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgeons from my childhood memories. There's so many to choose, but all of the above are in the mix. A lot of people inspire me and to be quite honest it depends what show or reality thing I have been loving. For example, because I've just watched Pretty Little Liars, my mind is saying my role model is currently Troian Bellisario.

Q8:What do you look for in a person? As a friend or someone you like?I think laughter is the best thing in the world. A good laugh makes everyone feel better, so probably laughter. Obviously, only as long as the laughter isn't at someone else's expense.

Q9:What is your favourite time of the year and why?CHRISTMAS!I love all things Christmas, from the cheesy music to the tree. But the main reason I love it is the atmosphere. Everyone's in a great mood, shopping around town and just being happy. I find more people are happy around Christmas time.

Q10:What do you hate a lot?Bullying or racism. I really don't understand how someone can tell someone to kill themselves whilst sat behind a phone. And discriminating someone in any way because they are a different colour to you is pathetic. To be honest, I find anything like racism or bullying sickening.Oh, and I also hate parents that pressurize teens to do well at school. Well, that and I hate mushrooms...

So I hope you likes this little Q&A and maybe now you know me a bit better :) Thanks for reading, see you soon, Niamh x

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