Today's post is going to be a little different. I think the internet is a wonderful thing (most of the time) and I also think it's the perfect place, as is a blog, to talk about an important topic/issue.
I have always been a strong Feminist. I believe in equality, not girls ruling the world. But I think there is a problem associated with Feminist's now a days. Many people view Feminists to be 'girls with too much too say' or 'Femi-nazi's', the kind of Feminists that DO want girls to rule the world. So many campaigns have come to light in recent years, dominantly the one that comes to mind is Emma Watson's 's #HeForShe campaign, which fights for equality for all.
If you have not seen it I recommend you watch the video of her UN speech to associate yourself more with what Emma has been working towards.
A similar campaign is the Global Goals; goals set by the UN to be achieved in the next few years. Goal number 5 is 'Gender Eqaulity' which includes closing the gender pay gap. This pay gap is a huge issue in my eyes and one of the main aspects of Feminism that needs to be solved.
Anyone can be a Feminist; whether they are female, or male, young or old. Typically it tends to be young women, as many of the older generation are used to the 'old times' and are not bothered by the lack of gender equality.
Honestly, I mainly wanted to write this post to get it out there. The more awareness we raise off the issue, as individuals, the more will be done to solve it. Though there are many things wrong with the world, gender equality is the one closest to my heart, soul and mind. Each powerful woman I see is an embodiment to our society and powerful, ballsy women should be celebrated, not criticized for 'having too much to say' or 'being a crazy bitch'. These words that people associate with Feminists now, such as angry, mad and over-confident need to be stopped.
#GlobalGoals5 #GlobalGoals #HeForShe #Feminism #WorldIssues #TimeForGirls
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