Saturday, 8 August 2015

Washing Make Up Brushes

Beauty bloggers and proffesionals around the world have said it for years; washing your make up brushes is an essential part of every make up routine. Some say you should wash them once a month and others say once a week. I'm guilty of forgetting to wash mine and it has definitely been over three months since I last washed mine! I know, it's terrible, so when I finally got round to washing them today, I was pleased with myself. You should wash your brushes, to get rid of the make up and dirt. Dirt and germs from your face and hands, plus dust, can get caught in the brush hairs, then be transferred on to you face. The dirt gets into your pores and can make you break out. To keep your skin clean and fresh, you should wash your brushes often. I personally say once a month is enough; washing them every week is a chore and too much, especially as most people only put make up on once a day.

You will need;
A tub/bowl
Baby shampoo/gentle shampoo - baby shampoo is best to use because it is the softest shampoo and won't damage the hairs. Unfortunately, I had ran out of this, so used a Dove shampoo. Any shampoo will work really, but go with a branded one that you trust, maybe the one you use on your own hair. Using one that is a shops own or is new can be risky
Your brushes
A fresh towel - This is what you will put your brushes on to dry, so make sure it is clean

To clean your brushes, fill a tub about half way with lukewarm water. Using lukewarm water is best, because it is warm enough to kill bacteria, but not so hot that it could damage the brushes. Put one-two dollops of shampoo into the water and let that settle, whilst you choose the first brush you are going to wash. There is no need to mix the shampoo into the water first; this will happen as you start to wash the brushes. Gently swirl the first brush into the shampoo/water mix. Keep doing this until you think/can see all the make up has been removed from the brush and it is completely wet. Try not to dip the handle of the brush into the water. Over time, the water can looses the glue inside the handle and make the handle become loose. Run the brush under the tap to double check all the make up is removed, then repeat with all your other brushes.
I found I had to change the water and add shampoo after every three brushes, to make sure the dirt wasn't transferring onto my other brushes.
After each brush has been washed, place them flat to lie and dry on the towel. Leave your brushes to dry overnight if possible. It is best to wash them after you have put your make up for the day on, as they can take a few hours to dry.

You now have freshly washed, clean brushes! I love washing my brushes, as I find it weirdly therapeutic and I love when the brushes look and feel like new!
If you use this post to wash your brushes, let me know!
Ps - I find the best baby shampoo to use is Johnson's!

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