Wednesday, 4 February 2015

DIY Jars

DIY Jars

DIY jars are cute, effective and fun to make. They have so many uses and look great in a room to add cute detail. They're also easy to get hold off. Homeware shops sell lots of different shaped and sized jars for really cheap. I have three jars to show you. 
The first is a slightly larger jar brought from ASDA Supermarket for £2.50. When it hit 2015 I decided I wanted to do a memory jar. One to write down thoughts, events and feelings so I can look back on them at the end of the year.
Step 1:
Take your empty jar and unscrew the lid. I decided to keep the lid but some people throw them away and have the jars open.
Step 2:

Cut a few sheets of A4 paper into 8 squares. This way the pieces are large enough to write on but small enough to fit into the jar. When you fill a piece with writing fold it into four and pop it into the jar. 
Step 3:

Overtime your jar will fill up and be really lovely to look back on. This jar is displayed on the top of my wardrobe.

The next jar is a lot smaller in comparison to the ASDA one. It was given to me for Christmas by my friend and contained chocolates. The jar was so cute I washed it out when the chocolate was gone to use for something else.
Step 1:
Take your empty jar. This a simple jam jar which looks really adorable and is used a lot in people's rooms on tumblr or Instagram.
Step 2:
In this jar I'm going to keep loose bits of jewellery I have lying around. Everyone has loose things that they have no place for, whether it's jewellery or hair pins. I had a lot of charms from old charm braces that are now too full. Instead of getting rid of the charms I put them in a jar. It looks really cute on my bookshelf and is handy to put bits in.
Step 3:
As you can see the jar looks very tumblr inspired and is a way to neaten up your room.

My final DIY jar is from home base. It was £1.25 in their Christmas range. It originally came with a small Christmas tree shaped decoration which I removed so it can be used all year round. In this jar I keep loose change and build up 1pence coins, which you can actually exchange for notes eventually. This looks rustic and is a great way of keeping loose change from disappearing. 
Step 1:
Take your jar and pop the lid to one side. Don't bin it a you will eventually need it. The lid on this jar is very cute with a little knob on the top.
Step 2:
Take your loose change and pop it into the jar. You don't just have to put change in, you can put notes in there folded up. 
Step 3:
Put the lid back on. 
This is the finished look. This jar actually came wth the red bow, but you can get some ribbon and wrap it round the top to make a cute decorative bow.

As you can see DIY jars are cute, cheap and very tumblr! I it my inspiration from Instagram, Tumblr and my own ideas. There are plenty of things that jars are useful for and even an empty glass jar adds something to a bedroom. These are also good as gifts to be filled with sweets or anything you like. 
That's all for today, I'll be back soon with another post , Niamh x

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