Wednesday, 19 November 2014

This months recommendations

This Months Recommendations //

So today's post is about my recent  favourites. I'm a shopoholic, but what teenage girl isn't? I must admit, my favourite shops vary. My friends know how odd my shopping choices are; I go from New Look to Asda in the space of two minutes!
Being a teenage girl on a budget, I tend to stick to cheaper shops like New Look and Primark. In fact New Look led me to my first favourite:

1. Long Sleeve Black Top
I've been looking for a long sleeve black top for a while now. They're comfy for winter and look good with anything and everything. Until I went into New Look , the only ones I had seen were tight to the body. I wanted one that was loose and floaty and that's exactly what I found in New Look! It cost a fiver and is currently my go to outfit

2. The Morganville Vampires
My second recommendation is a book series. The Morganville Vampires were written by Rachel Caine and is 15 books long. Sounds rubbish right? Who has the effort to read 15 books all about the un original idea of vampires?
But you'll be pleasantly surprised. The books are fast paced and keep you hooked for hours. Sure, its about vampires. But its nothing like Twilight. There's no time consuming love story between vampires and the whole series is based around a ton of different things, all leading up to the grand ending.
The series was recently made into a YouTube series. The first book was split into 6 episodes, each lasting 10 minutes. I didn't have high hopes, knowing the series was on a budget and I have to say I was right. The acting isn't terrible, but its worth improving. The book series is better, but that's just one girls opinion ;)
I would read the books first then have a crack at the series and see how you find it.

3. Pretty Little Liars

My next recommendation is something I've been loving for over a month now. It's the hit US series, Pretty Little Liars. My friends must be getting annoyed with me; I don't stop talking abut it! The show follows four girls, who try to unravel what happened to their missing friend. During the midst of all this, they start to get texts. Someone is pretending to be their missing friends, taunting the four girls with all their dirty secrets (hence the secret). The show is massively known, action packed, mysterious and perfect length, With 25 episodes per season, each episode runs for 40 minutes. The newest episode of Season 5 airs 9th December and I'm so excited for it! I am ridiculously hooked to this show. The actors are incredible and every episode is interesting. The plot thickens and just when you think it's over, something else happens! 

Oh and the number one rule of Pretty Little Liars? Nobody's ever really dead. Even after you attend their funeral.

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